RPC List
For the specific definition of API, please refer to the following link: api/api.proto core/Contract.proto.
1. Get account information
Nodes: Fullnode and SolidityNode
2. WEL transfer
Nodes: Fullnode
3. Broadcast transaction
Nodes: Fullnode
Description: Transfer, vote, issuance of token, or participation in token offering. Sending signed transaction information to node, and broadcasting it to the entire network after witness verification.
4. Create an account
Nodes: FullNode
5. Account name update
Nodes: Fullnode
6. Vote for super representative candidates
Nodes: FullNode
7. Query the ratio of brokerage of the witness
Nodes: FullNode
8. Query unclaimed reward
Nodes: FullNode
9. Update the ratio of brokerage
Nodes: FullNode
10. Issue a token
Nodes: FullNode
11. Query of list of super representative candidates
Nodes: FullNode and SolidityNode
12. Application for super representative
Nodes: FullNode
Description: To apply to become TRON’s Super Representative candidate.
13. Information update of Super Representative candidates
Nodes: FullNode
Description: Update the website url of the SR.
14. Token transfer
Node: FullNode
15. Participate a token
Nodes: FullNode
16. Query the list of nodes connected to the ip of the api
Nodes: FullNode and SolidityNode
17. Query the list of all issued tokens
Nodes: FullNode and SolidityNode
18. Query the token issued by a given account
Nodes: FullNode and SolidityNode
19. Query the token information by token name
Nodes: FullNode and Soliditynode
20. Query the list of tokens by timestamp
Nodes: SolidityNode
21. Get current block information
Nodes: FullNode and SolidityNode
22. Get a block by block height
Nodes: FullNode and SolidityNode
23. Get the total number of transactions
Nodes: FullNode and SolidityNode
24. Query the transaction by transaction id
Nodes: SolidityNode
25. Query the transaction by timestamp
Nodes: SolidityNode
26. Query the transactions initiated by an account
Nodes: SolidityNode
27. Query the transactions received by an account
Nodes: SolidityNode
28. Stake WEL
Nodes: FullNode
29. Unstake
Nodes: FullNode
30. Block producing reward redemption
Nodes: FullNode
31. Unstake token balance
Nodes: FullNode
32. Query the next maintenance time
Nodes: FullNode
33. Query the transaction fee & block information
Nodes: SolidityNode
34. Query block information by block id
Nodes: FullNode
35. Update token information
Nodes: Fullnode
Description: Token update can only be initiated by the token issuer to update token description, url, maximum bandwidth consumption by each account and total bandwidth consumption.
36. Query the list of all the tokens by pagination
Nodes: FullNode and SolidityNode
37. To sign a transaction
Nodes: FullNode
38. Address and private key creation
Nodes: Fullnode
39. easy transfer
Nodes: FullNode
40. Deploy a smart contract
Nodes: FullNode and SolidityNode
41. Trigger a smart contract
Nodes: FullNode
42. Create a shielded transaction
Nodes: FullNode
43. Get a Merkle tree information of a note
Nodes: FullNode
44. Scan note by ivk
Nodes: FullNode
45. Scan note by ovk
Nodes: FullNode
46. Get spending key
Nodes: FullNode
47. Get expanded spending key
Nodes: FullNode
48. Get ak from ask
Nodes: FullNode
49. Get nk from nsk
Nodes: FullNode
50. Get incoming viewing key
Nodes: FullNode
51. Get diversifier
Nodes: FullNode
52. Get zen payment address
Nodes: FullNode
53. Get rcm
Nodes: FullNode
54. Get a note status of is spent or not
Nodes: FullNode
55. Create a shielded transaction without using ask
Nodes: FullNode
56. Create a shielded transaction hash
Nodes: FullNode
57. Create a signature for a shielded transaction
Nodes: FullNode
58. Create a shield nullifier
Nodes: FullNode
59. Get new shielded address
Nodes: FullNode
60. Create shielded contract parameters
Nodes: FullNode
61. Create shielded contract parameters without ask
Nodes: FullNode
62. Scan shielded TRC20 notes by ivk
Nodes: FullNode, SolidityNode
63. Scan shielded TRC20 notes by ovk
Nodes: FullNode, SolidityNode
64. Get the status of shielded TRC20 note of spent or not
Nodes: FullNode, SolidityNode
65. Get the trigger input for the shielded TRC20
Nodes: FullNode
66. Create an market order Interface statement: rpc MarketSellAsset (MarketSellAssetContract) returns (TransactionExtention) {}; Nodes: FullNode
67. Cancel the order Interface statement: rpc MarketCancelOrder (MarketCancelOrderContract) returns (TransactionExtention) {}; Nodes: FullNode
68. Get all orders for the account Interface statement: rpc GetMarketOrderByAccount (BytesMessage) returns (MarketOrderList) {}; Nodes: FullNode
69. Get all trading pairs Interface statement: rpc GetMarketPairList (EmptyMessage) returns (MarketOrderPairList) {}; Nodes: FullNode
70. Get all orders for the trading pair Interface statement: rpc GetMarketOrderListByPair (MarketOrderPair) returns (MarketOrderList) {}; Nodes: FullNode
71. Get all prices for the trading pair Interface statement: rpc GetMarketPriceByPair (MarketOrderPair) returns (MarketPriceList) {}; Nodes: FullNode
72. Get order by id Interface statement: rpc GetMarketOrderById (BytesMessage) returns (MarketOrder) {}; Nodes: FullNode
73. perform a historical balance lookup Interface statement: rpc GetAccountBalance (AccountBalanceRequest) returns (AccountBalanceResponse){}; Nodes: FullNode
74. fetch all balance-changing transactions in a block Interface statement: rpc GetBlockBalanceTrace (BlockBalanceTrace.BlockIdentifier) returns (BlockBalanceTrace) {}; Nodes: FullNode
75. get the burn wel amount Interface statement: rpc GetBurn (EmptyMessage) returns (NumberMessage) {}; Nodes: FullNode and SolidityNode
Last updated