Any operation contracting with WELUPS network is a transaction. A transaction can be Welups transfer, WRC-10 transfer, freezing & unfreezing, voting, Etc.
The routine for sending
A normal routine for sending a transaction is:
Create -> Sign -> Broadcast -> (wait) -> Lookup and get receipt
Welups SDK defines the same protobufs include all RPC APIs and transaction related classes, also, Welups SDK wraps the functions in WelClient.class.
An simple example
public static void sendTrx()
System.out.println("============= TRC transfer =============");
WelClient client = new WelClient("","","private key");
try {
TransactionExtention transactionExtention = client.transfer("414203485a535a4072C9FBFaADDfe2A010AD0BcdB0", "41a9c46373aEB4749E3CE45acA242b027A46f486f9", 20_000_000);
Transaction signedTxn = client.signTransaction(transactionExtention);
String ret = client.broadcastTransaction(signedTxn);
System.out.println("======== Result ========\n" + ret.toString());
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("error: " + e);